Casa de Moneda part of the Circular Economy Working Group of the United Nations Global Compact
Casa de Moneda was chosen to participate in the Circular Economy and Sustainable Development Goals Working Group of the Argentine Network of the United Nations Global Compact. Among the participating companies are Banco Nación, Banco Provincia, Nucleoeléctrica Argentina, Parque Eólico Arauco, Scania Argentina, Energía Argentina S.A., among others.
The working group is composed of organizations interested in advancing in Circular Economy and understanding its connection with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is established as a peer learning space, where real business cases are analyzed, and a self-assessment process is carried out.
It is expected that, at the end of the 5 planned meetings, the members of this working group will be able to incorporate circular economy into the sustainability management of their organizations. For this purpose, an assessment of the competencies and knowledge acquired will be conducted.
This initiative is part of CMA’s membership in the Argentine Network of the United Nations Global Compact, which was achieved in February 2023 following a due diligence process carried out by the international organization’s headquarters. Furthermore, it allows us to continue thinking about how to build the company’s present with sustainability in mind, along with other actions such as its first Sustainability Report and the Carbon Footprint Measurement process being carried out by the Sustainability Coordination.