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Terms and Conditions


The registry and use of the Digital Services from a user (hereafter “the User/s”) establishes the agreement of the present Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

Access to the Digital Services is free. The User guarantees and claims being over the age of 18 years old, and/or if it corresponds, he/she has the authorization of his parents or tutors to get in the website and that he/she has the capability to understand and agree without reserves the obligations, affirmations, representations and warranties established in this Terms and Conditions. From its side, the National Government, hereafter “the administrator”, does not held liable if the provided information is untrue.

Users, Obligations, Responsibility and Conditions

The user shall observe these Terms and Conditions for the use of the website. Las violations for action or omission of these Use Terms and Conditions provide the Administrator the right to suspend the User that has incurred on them.

The User shall use the Digital Services complying these Terms and Conditions in a proper and legal way. Otherwise, the Administrator has the right to suspend the User’s account for being deed: in violation of these Terms and Conditions and/or the Privacy Policy of these Digital Services, offensive, illegal, in violation of third parties’ rights, contrary to moral and good customs and threatening for other Users’ safety.

Notwithstanding, this possibility does not necessarily imply the content of the information available in the Digital Services has been reviewed.

The User commits to:

  • Not getting to restricted data or attempting to violate the security barriers to get to them.
  • Not searching for vulnerabilities or using them for any objective.
  • Not spreading information about the detection of vulnerabilities of the Digital Services.
  • Reporting the Administrator any information he/she has access to that may imply a threat to the information security or the digital services.

The proper use of the Internet resources is, with no exception, entire responsibility of the Digital Services User.

Forbidden Activities

The following activities are expressly forbidden, without prejudice of the general prohibitions previously mentioned:

  • Harass, threaten, stalk, perform acts of vandalism towards other Users.
  • Infringe the privacy rights of other Users.
  • Request personal identifiable information from other Users with the purpose of harassing, attacking, exploiting, violating their privacy;
  • Intentionally or knowingly posting libel or slander;
  • Post, with the intent to mislead, false or inaccurate content;
  • Attempt to impersonate another User, misrepresenting his/her affiliation with any individual or entity, or use another User’s name for the purpose of misleading;
  • Promote, defend or display pornography, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, hate, bigotry, racism and/or violence.
  • Violate the rights established in Law No. 25326 on the Protection of Personal Data.

In case of suffering any of these situations, you must contact the Administrator through

General Use Through the Account

User must fulfill an online form to register. This way, people can register and create a password to access the platform.

Personal information provided by the User when registering on the website is protected by a password and can only be modified by the User.

The website reserves the right to validate the information given by the User when registering. Provided the information cannot be validated, the Administrator reserves the right to not registering said User.

At the moment of registering, the User commits to:

  • Not providing false personal information or create accounts on behalf of third parties.
  • Not creating more than one personal account.
  • Not creating another account without the express permission of the Administrator, in case the latter has disabled the original account.
  • Keeping contact information accurate and up to date.
  • Not sharing his/her password or allowing another person to access his/her account.

The User agrees to notify the Administrator of any unauthorized use of his password.

The Administrator reserves the right to reject any registration request or to cancel a previously accepted registration.

Intellectual Property

The expression of ideas, procedures, methods of operation and mathematical concepts in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of Law 11723 and its amendments, as well as brands, notices, trade names, advertising, drawings, designs, logos, texts, among others, that appear in the Digital Services are the property of the Administrator, except when otherwise stated. The Administrator licenses all its contents under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, the legal text of which can be found at, except where otherwise stated.

Modification of the Terms and Conditions

The Administrator reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, agreeing to announce it through a notice at

Links to Other Sites, Products and Services

The Digital Services may contain links to third-party sites, products and/or services, however, the Administrator does not manage or control these sites, products and/or services and is not responsible for their content or for any damages that such content, products and services may cause, so it is suggested to read the Terms and Conditions of each one of them.

Likewise, the Digital Services use information provided directly by Users, information provided by third parties and information transferred to the Administrator by other Organizations under the terms of the Personal Data Protection Law No. Law 25326, amendments and annexes. In this case, the Administrator is not responsible for the damages and/or losses that could be generated by errors in the information provided by said Organizations.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction of the Website

These Use Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Argentine Republic. In the event of any controversy regarding the interpretation or fulfillment of the present, the Administrator and the User submit to the National Courts in Administrative Litigation.

This site is registered on as a development site.